Policy area

Information for workers

Governments implement a range of programmes to provide information to workers on issues such as their legal rights, how to avoid exploitation in the recruitment process or in employment, and the grievance procedures that are available to them. In the case of origin states, these include formal pre-departure orientation sessions, as well as partnerships with civil society organisations to deliver awareness-raising sessions among migrant worker communities. This indicator examines state performance in this regard, using ILO Guiding Principles and Operational Guidelines (ILO GPOG) Guideline 11.1 as the basis for its analysis, and the degree to which the provision of information to workers protects them from abuse or yields them remedy.

Information for workers

    Government websites (8.1)

    This indicator analyses the information on fair recruitment policies, legislation, regulation, and processes that is made available to workers online via government websites.

    Pre-departure orientation (8.2)

    This indicator examines the effectiveness of origin states’ pre-departure orientations, where they exist.

    Outreach (8.3)

    This indicator assesses whether the government encourages outreach to workers by employers, workers’ organizations, labour recruiters and civil society groups.

    Labour market information available (8.4)

    This indicator examines the extent to which the government makes labour market information publicly available so as to inform decision making by workers.

    Training and awareness raising (8.5)

    This indicator examines the extent to which the government collaborates with the ILO and employers’ and workers’ organizations to provide education and training and/or conduct awareness-raising campaigns.